Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body

  • by Lynne Maloney
  • 7/2/2021

One of my goals this summer is to read more, meditate more and do more yoga . . . without feeling guilty about any of it.  It’s a goal anyway – and I encourage you to join me in that pursuit of relaxation.  “Summertime and the living is easy” (it should be, anyway right?!)


Most of us have heard the saying “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes!”  While the person who came up with that adage may have been talking about printers or DVD players, the same can be said for us humans. In a world of constant go go go, it's just as important to occasionally relax relax relax. Those who know me may know this is way easier for me to preach than it is for me to practice, but that's why it's so important to consciously set goals and find accountability buddies. 


One of the ways I like to relax is to get into a good book, which, as a close  friend once said, is “like food for your soul”.  I just finished a random book that my sister recommended to me called “How the Penguins Saved Veronica” by Hazel Prior.  It took a chapter or two to grab me, but once it did I just loved it. 


It’s a touching story about an 85-year old woman (kind of a curmudgeon) who develops an affinity for penguins and takes a trip to Antarctica to stay with a research team studying the cute flightless birds.  It’s a fun and very heartwarming little story which conveys many messages . . . one being that it’s never too late to become the person you want to be.  Being quiet with yourself, reading, meditating and practicing yoga can help to bring you “home” to yourself again.


Do you have any recommendations for good summer reads?  Send them our way at and we’ll share them here!  Remember that we also have a small collection of books at the studio and you should feel free to take one that might be some good food for your soul and to leave one of your favorites in its place!  Happy Summer and happy reading!