Mindful Moving Kids - November

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$55.00 MMK Nov - Full 3-week session
$49.50 MMK Nov - Full 3-week session ADD'L CHILD
$25.00 MMK November SINGLE CLASS
$22.50 MMK November Single Class - ADD'L CHILD

Ages 5-12 are welcome to join Beth Hardy for this 3-week Mindful Moving Kids November session! We’ll be learning yoga poses, breathing techniques, practicing mindfulness activities, and playing games that use yoga to foster self-awareness and self-regulation as well as executive functioning skills. Your child(ren) will move, breathe, play, and connect for a 60-minute class, small group size class, which allows Beth to apply her expertise as a school psychologist to tailor the class to every student’s needs. Since the classes run simultaneously to a Slow Flow class with Darina, adults can get their practice in at the same time if desired!

NOTE:  You can purchase the full November session (Nov 5, 12 and 19)  for $99 OR your child is welcome to "drop in" to any of these classes ($25 per class) by choosing the Mindful Moving Kids Single Class option and pick the date(s) you want to attend. A 10% additional sibling(s) discount is offered as well.

Beth Hardy

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